Tag Archives: radiation

Exciting! Safe! Radioactive toys!


I saw this link on QT3 today. As the original poster says, this is certainly a reminder of a simpler and more innocent era that Fallout 3 captured so well. Imagine Polonium-210, the same substance that Russian assassins likely used to kill Alexander Litvinenko, being sold as part of a science kit for children! I guess the manufacturers were really serious about properly educating young children about the different types of radiation. They even included a form that you could use to order new radiation sources once you’d used yours up. How handy is that? Even better, buy this set and if you find a natural uranium source with it, the U.S. government will pay you a $10,000.00 prize!

Of course, what they didn’t know then was how dangerous radiation really was. Nowadays it seems that not a day goes by without something familiar being classified as a cancer risk. Incidentally, for anyone interested in buying one of these things, it’s worth noting that since Polonium 210 has a half-life of only 130 days and the set was made available only from 1951 to 1952, I can’t imagine there being much of it left even if you could find one of these very rare sets intact.