Tag Archives: colors

Recent Interesting Science Articles (Oct ’10)

Only a couple of articles this month as I’ve been distracted by other stuff. Both happen to be about biology and more specifically about females. The first one deals with the attraction of the color red. Psychologist Daniela Kayser of the University of Rochester and her team conducted a study in which heterosexual males were separately shown photos of the same moderately attractive woman. Half of the participants were shown a photo in which the model was wearing a red shirt. The other half were shown the same photo, except that this time her shirt was green. The men were then asked to select five questions out of a total of twenty four provided that they were told would be sent to the woman.

The team found that the men who saw the woman in red tended to choose more intimate questions. In a follow up study, another group of men were shown the same photos but this time they were tricked into believing that the woman would be coming into the room with them and they were instructed to arrange the two chairs in the room. The men who were shown the photo of the woman wearing red chose to put their own chair closer to where they thought the woman would be sitting. Apparently, it works for men too as the team has also found that men wearing red were rated by women as being more attractive and of higher status.

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